Water leak repair: Toilet
I was in the toy hauler bathroom and saw water running out from behind the toilet. After I got a flashlight and investigated I found it was the valve on the back of the toilet that the fresh water feeds into. Every time we flushed the RV toilet would shoot water out this valve.
My toilet was a Thetford, so I went on their website http://www.thetford.com and located the parts for my toilet. They didn’t have a way to order online, they wanted you to go to one of their dealers. Since I didn’t have a dealer close to me I called the help line 1-800-543-1219 to order the part. The Water Valve Drive Arm Kit 34104/34100 was about $50 shipped to my door.
The repair was a lot easier then I thought it would be. First I washed the toilet and floor real good. I then pulled the two nuts securing the toilet to the floor with a ½ inch wrench and unscrewed the water feed hose. I took the assembly outside and sat it on a table. Three screws, a spring, a cable, and a clamp on the water hose are all it took to replace the valve.
The kit came with written instructions, new screws, clamps and even a new sealing ring for the bottom of the toilet. The whole process took around 40 minutes. Very simple and the toilet works as good as new again. Just a side note: I had a screw type clamp lying around the house that I used instead of the squeeze clamp it came with. It is just my personal preference.
Remember some repairs on your toyhauler are very easy so don’t be afraid. Take a look at something first. Do a little research to see if a repair can be done at home and save you some money.
Good Info,
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