Welcome to Toy Hauler Adventures!! My name is Terry Gluckman and I have almost three decades of camping with my toys. As one of the founders and editor of ToyHauler Magazine, I was on the cutting edge of the toy hauler trailer explosion. I have been too many factories and have seen numerous toy haulers built from the ground up. I saw the industry rise from the highest of highs to the near demise of the RV industry. Hopefully we can all learn from this and pass on our stories and experiences to other interested people.
Toy Hauler Adventures purpose is to help showcase the toy hauler lifestyle, including new trailers, trailer maintenance, repairs and upgrades. We will also be looking for and sharing camping and riding locations. With your help we will also be featuring cool toys, tow vehicle upgrades and tons of other family friendly editorial content.
Many trailers are getting a little older now and we are starting to find out problems that we never considered when we originally bought them. In today’s economy many of us don’t have the money to buy new trailers, so we have to repair and/or upgrade what we already have. So with your help we are going to provide a source of information that will be helpful to everybody that enjoys camping with their families and friends in the great outdoors. We will try to find relevant information to pass along to you and the rest of our camping community.
The beautiful thing about Toy Hauler Adventures is it is not done for the money. That’s not to say if companies want to pay for advertising space we will take their funds. However, if things work out like they have in the past, RV manufacturers won’t be spending any advertising currency with us. In addition, I have discovered that many of the aftermarket product manufacturers only advertise to dealers. This is no good for the average consumer because the dealers only tell you about the products they carry and not necessary what’s best for your needs.
All the stories will be totally unbiased with no whip cream on top, like a real editorial story should be. Not just press releases and stories saying how great this or that is, like many magazines do today. All the writers are fellow campers and are doing stories for the site out of their love for the adventures not for pay.
We will be looking for your help and input with content. We need to know about your experience with a product or trailer. We love to see all the trailer modifications that you have done, the places you like to visit and all the ways you use your toy haulers. We will be as good as the toy hauler community wants to make us. We are a small niche in the world so the more information we share with each other the smarter we all will be.
I hope everyone enjoys our site and helps with sharing their stories. So send me your ideas, story suggestions and pictures of your camping stories. We are going to do our best to show you new things to help you enjoy your camping experience. . Plus if you share what you have learned with others you may be able to save them money and make new friends at the same time.
Thanks for your help. Be Safe and have Fun!!
Terry Gluckman